


Lae (/ˈlɑːeɪ, ˈleɪi/) is the capital of Morobe Province and is the second-largest city in Papua New Guinea. It is located near the delta of the Markham River and at the start of the Highlands Highway, which is the main land transport corridor between the Highlands region and the coast. Lae is the largest cargo port of the country and is the industrial hub of Papua New Guinea. The city is known as the Garden City and home of the University of Technology. [Source Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lae).

Activités - Lae

1 Rainforest Habitat

Lae, Papua New Guinea

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2 Botanical Gardens

Lae, Papua New Guinea

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3 Lae War Cemetery

Lae, Papua New Guinea

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4 Papua New Guinea University of Technology

Lae, Papua New Guinea

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5 Mount Lunaman

Mount Lunaman, Lae, Papua New Guinea

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