


The Mon name which was previously used for Mawlamyine, Moulmein (မတ်မလီု; [mòt məlɜ̀m]) means "damaged eye" or "one-eyed man."[7] According to legend, a Mon king had a powerful third eye in the centre of his forehead, able to see what was happening in neighbouring kingdoms. The daughter of one of the neighbouring kings was given in marriage to the three-eyed king and managed to destroy the third eye. The Burmese name "Mawlamyine" is believed to be a corruption of the Mon name. [Source Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mawlamyine).

Activités - Mawlamyine

1 Kyaikkhami

Kyaikkhami, Myanmar (Burma)

Voir le détail de l'activité

2 Breeze Guest House

Strand Rd, Mawlamyine, Myanmar (Burma)

Voir le détail de l'activité

3 Setse Beach

Myanmar (Burma)

Voir le détail de l'activité

4 Thanbyuzayat

Thanbyuzayat, Myanmar (Burma)

Voir le détail de l'activité

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